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3 Major Step: How to get ESA letter for Housing!

Do you know that your best friend can live in the same apartment as you? If your answer is no then this blog is for you. According to the Fair Housing Act, your ESA can live with you without paying any extra rent. ESA is not considered a pet. There is also not a service animal.ESA is a special type of assistance animal that is protected & granted housing access by the Law of USA. This act says that ESA has a right to live with their owners in a no-pet apartment, co-ops, condos in entire America.

Continue reading this blog if you want to know how to let your House owner know that your pet is an official Emotional Support animal, keep reading below!!!!!


Step 1– Learn About Emotional Support Animals and ESA Letters

 An ESA is an animal that is trained to provide an emotional or mentally disabled individual with the love & support that is required to live a normal healthy life. An ESA can be any animal as long as having the animal doesn’t violate local or state law. To get an ESA certificate you must have an emotional or mental disability that is lined with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5).

Step 2 – Understand ESA Housing Laws

We have discussed earlier that as per the Fair housing act an ESA gets a right to live with you. If it is a ‘no pet’ Building or society. The key to keeping your pet with you is to get an ESA from a licensed mental health professional. Your Landlord must ask for ESA before giving you the rental unit. So if you’re moving into a rental apartment or buying one then apply the ESA housing certificate now. You can visit an online doctor for an ESA certificate.

Step 3– Informing The Landlord You Have an ESA

You have to inform that you are having ESA has it will not come in his/her dream that you have already taken an ESA. You can give an ESA letter to your landlord before signing the lease. You’re not required to inform your landlord before signing the lease agreement.

If you have some mental disability & you need an ESA then don’t worry it is a quite easy procedure. Many sites help you to provide ESA certification. You can visit onlinedogtor.com for further information.


Emotional Support Dog and What breed is best as an ESA

What Is an Emotional Support Dog?
Though all dogs offer an emotional connection with their owners. However, to legally be called as an emotional support dog or an emotional support animal (ESA), the pet needs to be prescribed by a licensed or certified mental health expert to a person with a disabling mental illness aka Emotional Support Dog Certification. A therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist must define that the presence of the dog is required for the mental health of the patient. For example, owning a pet might ease a person’s anxiety or give them a focus in life.
With the stresses of this hectic world, most people find themselves craving the help of a furry companion. But an emotional support dog is so much more than just a pet.
Individuals who suffer from severe emotional or mental conditions have found that the presence of a loving, devoted furry friend is enough to help them traverse their way through the struggles of their condition. While all dogs can offer support, certain breed traits make a dog more likely to excel in the role.

Here in this guide, we will discuss some of the top emotional support dog breeds to help you choose your emotional support animal.

1. Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retrievers are said to be happy and energetic dogs. They will encourage you to perk up even when you’re not feeling too great. Due to their intelligence and gentle demeanor, they not only make good pets but are also good for people who need a companion out of their homes.

2. German Shepherd
According to PetGuide, German Shepherd is said to be a highly versatile breed. Just as their name, they are intelligence enables it to be trained for a variety of different purposes. Their intelligence and eagerness to please surely make then strong contenders as emotional support animals.

3. Poodles
Poodles have been well known for being show dogs, super social, great with kids, hypoallergenic, great at adapting to their environment, and typically live longer than most other dog breeds. However, this animal has much more to offer than fancy tricks. Poodles are very obedient and loyal. They also enjoy lots of physical activity and mentally stimulating games.

4. Yorkshire Terrier
Did you know that Yorkshire Terriers can help ease the symptoms of depression? Their intelligence and tendency to form strong bonds with their owners make them one of the most loyal, loving, and trainable breeds out there. Also, Yorkshire Terriers are a very small and cute kind of dog to have if you live in an apartment or are renting a housing room in a house.

5. Beagle
The Beagle is a small and friendly dog known for its floppy ears. They’re also very loyal and beautiful. These little furry canines are very active and entertaining and also content to cuddle up with. Beagles are a very social animal and they also tend to get along well with other animals. All these qualities make them an excellent therapy dog.

6. Corgi
Corgis can make excellent therapy dogs. A member of the herding group, the corgi is an even-tempered and affectionate breed. These short and sturdy dogs are known for both their obedience and friendly attitudes. Originally bred to be herders on farms, Corgis make excellent companion dogs for people in nursing homes or with disabilities.

7. Pug
Pugs are a small breed that is well-known for their wrinkled skin and big eyes. These guys are very energetic, and also have a natural desire to make people feel better. Pugs get along very well with individuals of all ages, though they work particularly well with children.

8. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
These lovely little guys are named after King Charles II of Britain according to MentalFloss. They were bred to be a loyal companion dog. These centuries of companionship have given King Charles spaniel lots of practice in providing comfort to their owners. That is why they are considered an Emotional Support Animal dog or a Service dog or even a therapy dog.

9. Pomeranian
The Pomeranian is a very small breed often preferred by aged individuals who need a companion at home. These cute little dogs require pretty little exercise but they take all the love and affection they can get from an individual.

10. Golden Retriever
Coming in at number one is the golden retriever, which is well known for being energetic, loving, and comforting. Their patient demeanors and overt friendliness make them a good fit for people with health issues.


Read more about Emotional Support Dog Certification here.

Cats – A Helpful Emotional Support Animal

Have you heard about Emotional Support Animals and their registration?

Emotional support animals (ESA) also called an Assistant animal or a Support animal is an animal that serves the purpose of companion. They are intended to provide well-being to a person suffering from a mental health condition, disability, and emotional disorder. Dogs are typically the emotional support animal but sometimes cats or other animals are considered. They are meant to support people suffering from psychological disabilities such as anxiety disorder, panic attacks, and major depressive disorder. 


Cats as emotional support animals, do they have any benefits?

An individual might decide to have a cat as an emotional support animal because researches have shown that cats can provide specific mental health benefits and you may ask how I can register my cat as an emotional support animalWell, you can get an ESA letter for your cat as an emotional support animal. 


  • Just by petting a cat, you can have a relaxed environment and a positive mood which is why emotional support animals are usually used to assist people struggling with anxiety. 
  • Cats provide companionship
  • Their activeness leads to the improvement of physical health because they help to lower blood pressure, increase a person’s ability to cope with pain, etc. 
  • Emotional support animals help to fight against the feelings of loneliness. 
  • Having them and caring for them could give a sense of purpose. Their companionship causes the owner of an emotional support animal to reciprocate the love and care get from the animal. 


Do you ever wonder about the difference between an emotional support animal and a service animal? 

Well, service animals are different from emotional support animals. One is to provide services while the order is to live out its real nature with its owner. A service animal is purposely trained to perform some specific tasks. For instance, a service dog is trained to help a blind person navigate. While an emotional support animal does not receive any form of training to perform any kind of task. In other words, service animals are trained to meet up specific expectations or fulfill certain tasks. Whereas, an emotional support dog is one that provides, well-being, aid, support, or comfort to an individual. Emotional support animals show these qualities through unconditional loyalty, companionship, obedience, energy, and affection.


Is there any law guiding emotional support animals?

The Federal Fair Housing Act says that Housing providers in the United States are demanded to create reasonable accommodations so that individuals with disabilities can keep an assistant animal in their home. U. S Department of Housing and Urban Development demands that housing providers give an exception to ‘no pet’ policies. 


Can I register my cat as an emotional support animal (ESA)?

Yes, you can register your cat as an emotional support animal with a licensed healthcare professional. There is no official recognized database for the registration of emotional support animals. The only officially recognized medium for emotional support animals is a well-executed ESA letter by a licensed healthcare expert


How can I register my pet as Emotional Support Animal (ESA?)

When making consideration for an Emotional Support Animal, it is very common to hear of words like “ESA registration” and “ESA certification” being used compatibly with “ESA letter” which often leads to a waste of time and money because it gets complicated.

There is no government law or government portal for registration of ESA to be officially recognized which means there is no need to do any formal registration required to have an ESA. If you want your animal to be recognized as an emotional support animal by the Air Carrier Access Act and the Fair Housing Act, all you have to do is get an ESA letter from a certified mental health professional.


ESA Dogs


Do I have to do any registration for an ESA?

You do not have to do any kind of registration for an ESA. Do not let anybody take money from you for ESA because there are lots of outlets giving official ESA registration services. You do not need to submit your animal to any kind of registry. Getting an ESA letter will help you enjoy the benefits that the law has recommended an ESA letter for and this letter can be gotten from a Certified Mental Health Professional.


How then can I get an ESA letter?

It is very easy. All you have to do is to visit a certified mental health expert to get an ESA. After proper evaluation, the mental health professional will go-ahead to construct a suitably edited letter stating that you need the help of an emotional support animal.


An easy way out

Getting an ESA has been made easy by The DOGtor. This process involves so many documentations which turn out to be overwhelming. With our years of experience and our certified mental health professional, the Dogtor is positioned to help you get your ESA.

You can visit https://onlinedogtor.com/emotional/support/animal/registry for an Emotional Support Animal Registration today. You will find the process of getting your ESA letter with the Dogtor very fast and easy.