Follow these steps to get your ESA letter in Oregon

Victoria & Charles
San Diego, CAVictoria discusses how having an ESA letter has changed her life

New York, NYBeyonce addresses the ease of the ESA process at
How It Works
Complete Online Exam
All individuals seeking an Emotional Support Animal prescription must complete an online medical examination consisting of 74 questions. It takes anywhere from 15 – 20 minutes to complete so please make sure that you are ready to fill it out and move forward, since you won't be able to save your exam and come back to it later. You can begin the exam by clicking on the “online medical exam”tab located in the main navigation menu or by clicking the “get started now” tab below.Make Payment
Potential patients should keep in mind that if the evaluating medical doctor does not feel comfortable writing you a prescription for an emotional support animal, then you will receive a same-day refund. Refunds are granted only to those who are not approved by the evaluating physician. After completing your online exam you will be required to make a payment and choose a treatment plan that best applies to you. If you need an ESA letter for housing, please choose the housing plan. The entry level housing plan is called the “care plan” and is 159.00. If you need a letter only for travel, then please choose the travel plan for 149.00. If you need documentation for both, you will need to select the Compassion Plan for 199.00, which will cover both travel and housing. Regardless, you must submit payment at that time or your exam will not be processed.The DOGtor Reviews Your Exam
The Dogtor reviews your exam & you'll receive a notification within 48 hours if approved or not. Approval is typically the same day on a normal work week. In the event that the Dogtor needs to do a further evaluation he may want to speak to you over Skype. However, it's very rare.You've Been Approved!
All individuals who have submitted an online exam will hear back from the evaluating physician within 24-48 hours. The doctor will email you from this or her personal email address to the email address that you have on file, so please make sure to check spam folders and wait patiently for the correspondence from the M.D. A doctor may ask you more questions about your exam so please be prepared to provide further details if they want more info in order for them to make an informed decision. Usually these questions are about asking for more clarity or that you have been vague in answering a specific question. As stated in Step 3, if the doctor does not approve you, you will receive a same-day refund. However, in the event that you are approved, you will receive your emailed PDF copy of the prescription letter typically on the same day. You will also receive a courtesy hard copy that will be mailed to the address that you have on file when taking the online exam. The hard copy take a few business days to arrive, depending on where you are located in the USA.
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Emotional Support Cats & Dogs in Oregon

Oregon was declared the most pet-friendly state in America by Safewise and the number 2 most pet-friendly state by the Animal Legal Defense Fund. Some of the reasons cited included strict anti-abuse laws, lots of no-kill shelters, and thousands of pet-welcoming properties, including more than 350 pet-friendly restaurants Portland alone. These accolades would suggest that Oregon is a good place to have an emotional support animal (ESA) such as an ESA dog or an ESA cat.
Oregon Emotional Support Animal Housing Laws
Although Oregon’s disability discrimination law and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) do not cover emotional support animals (ESAs), in regard to housing, your ESA has certain privileges under the Fair Housing Act (FHA).
The FHA requires property owners/landlords to make accommodations so you can live with your ESA in rental properties such as an apartment complex. They cannot deny these rights based on your ESA’s size or breed and they cannot charge you additional fees for allowing your ESA to live with you on the property.
Your ESA can be legally denied if:
- The landlord can demonstrate that your ESA is inappropriate for reasonable accommodation, such as an elk in a one-bedroom apartment.
- The landlord can demonstrate that your ESA is a direct threat to other residents’ health and safety.
- The residence you want to rent is a single-family home and it is not represented by a real estate agent.
- You want to rent a unit in a development that has less than 5 units and one of them is lived in by the landlord.
What About Traveling with My ESA?
According to federal law in the form of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), your ESA can travel with you in the cabin of a commercial airliner, and the airlines cannot charge you an additional fee.
Airlines, however, can make some limiting rules, so before you buy a ticket and expect to travel with your ESA, call the airline to ask for details. For example, some airlines will:
- Restrict ESA type (some only allow dogs and cats)
- Restrict ESA seating (some will not allow ESAs in exit rows)
- Restrict ESA size (some have specific rules, such as not ESAs not being big enough blocking aisles)
- Request additional paperwork (some want updated veterinary records)
Can These Laws Change?
Yes. Laws might be added or changed after this article has been posted. They might become more or less restrictive. Before making any decisions regarding ESAs, check for any changes in laws regarding ESAs.
What’s the Next Step for Getting an ESA Cat or Dog in Oregon?
For your emotional support animal to be recognized by federal law and in Oregon, you need an ESA letter from a mental health professional with an Oregon license. The DOGtor can get you quickly set up with the documentation you need. We’ve done it for thousands of people with our hassle-free and affordable process and we can do it for you while protecting you with a 100% same-day refund guarantee if you don’t qualify.
Start your no-risk assessment right now.